We offer a few different ways to give your horse CBD. Just like people, they have different tastes. We have tinctures, gummies and softgels for humans. Why not chews, pellets and powders for our horses? Each has its advantages, and this page will help you decide which is best for your situation. 



Extra Strength Pellet – Easiest to measure in lower doses. Tastes great, most horses eat it up without any grain.  

Maximum Strength Pellet  – More economical for horses that need higher amounts of CBD. Maximum Strength is easy to measure for horses that need 100-300 mg of CBD per day. A little stronger, but still very palatable. 

Farriers Gold Pellets - Concentrated for convenience, but much stronger than is normally needed for joint support or possibly helping with general anxiety. It has more hemp smell and taste than our lower strength pellets, but many horses still eat it willingly. *New for spring 2024 Molasses Farriers gold!* Much better tasting. Remember, CBD may cause drowsiness or lethargy when given in larger amounts.                     

Pure hemp powder- These are our strongest products. With a standardized minimum of 150 mg CBD per scoop of Pure Hemp Powder, and 250 mg CBD in the Gold Star, our powder is the most cost efficient way to administer CBD. But with the strength comes more of the hemp taste and smell that some horses don’t like. For those horses the powder needs to be mixed in feed to hide the taste. 

Make at home chews This is a fun and easy way to give CBD to horses, especially out in a pasture. Each chew has 100 mg of CBD.                                      

   How much does CBD cost? 


                                            Things to know about using CBD for your horse

  • When choosing the way you want to give CBD to your horse, first and foremost pay attention to the strength of the product you are using that day. Record how much CBD is administered to your horse and note any improvements you see in your horse’s health and wellbeing. 
  • “Start low and go slow” is the key to success with your horse. This means start with a low dose and slowly raise it every 2 to 5 days. (See chart below)
  • Many horses respond to 50 mg of CBD for calming and support of joint issues. If needed, raise the amount you until you see the desired effects.
  • Remember it is best to order the product that fits your horses need for strength. After you know how much you want to give your horse, choose the product that they like best and is easiest for you to administer.


  • My horse needs 50 mg per day. Trying to split one scoop of powder into 6 servings will not be as accurate as the pellets. It is more difficult for you to measure and you may not be sure that your horse ate all you put out for him. The best product for you to use in this case is regular strength 50 mg CBD per scoop.
  • My horse needs 100 mg per day. Either one scoop of extra strength or 2 scoops of Regular strength will do.
  • My horse needs 200 mg per day. For this horse 1 scoop of maximum strength or 2 scoops of extra strength will work just fine
  • My horse needs 300 mg per day. The powder is the most economical. If the powder is hard for you to feed, use either 3 scoops of Extra Strength Pellets, or 11/2 scoops of Maximum Strength Pellets all in one feeding, or split it up into 2 feedings if you want. 
  • My Horse only needs CBD occasionally. To find out the amount of CBD will work for your horse; give him 50 mg to start. Spend time with your horse after to see how he reacts. You can raise the amount accordingly until you see the desired results. If your horse only encounters stressful times occasionally, you can try giving different amounts at home under normal circumstances to see how he reacts.
  • When you find the amount per day your horse needs you can order the strength provides that amount in the flavor he likes best.


What are the strengths?

     Extra Strength 50mg/scoop

     Maximum Strength 100mg/scoop 

     Farriers Gold 250mg/scoop

What about the different flavors? 

     Extra comes in Plain and Peppermint and Molasses

     Maximum comes in Plain, Peppermint and Molasses

     Farriers Gold come in Plain and Molasses. (Peppermint does not hide

     the taste as well as molasses in this strength.  


How much CBD is in a full size container?  On the front of the regularly packaged bag or pail is the total amount of CBD per container. The 3000 mg bag has 60-50 mg scoops. The 7000 pail has 140-50 mg scoops, the 14000 pail has 140 100mg scoops etc. (see "how much does CBD cost" chart above)


Use this chart to help you decide how much CBD to give your horse to reach the desired effect on a daily basin. Many horses respond to 50 or 100 mg. Feel free to adjust according to your needs. For example, you can raise the dose every 1 to 5 days.  You can feed it all in one feeding if it works best for your schedule, although 2x a day is optimal. Some horses, especially during difficult times, can go higher than the 300 mg on the chart.  When using CBD only occasionally you will have to find the amount your horse needs by trial and error. Every horse is different. 



Use any combination of the products to reach the target amount for each day. 

Low dose, normally horses need more

  • 25 mg CBD: ½ scoop Extra Strength

Average dose, most horses fit in this range

  • 50 mg CBD : 1 scoop Extra Strength, ½ scoops Maximum Strength
  • 100 mg CBD : 2 scoops Extra Strength, 1 scoop Maximum Strength, 1 chew
  • 150 mg CBD: 3 scoops Extra Strength, 1 ½ scoops Maximum Strength, or 1 scoop powder

Higher dose, for horses that need more joint support or more calming during a stressful event

  • 250 mg CBD: 2½ scoops Maximum Strength, scant scoop Farriers Gold, or 1 ½ scoop powder
  • 300 mg CBD: 3 scoops Maximum Strength, 1 heaping scoop Farriers Gold, or 2 scoops powder

Higher dose more for difficult situations

  • 600 mg CBD: 4 scoops powder, 6 scoops Maximum Strength, 2½ scoops Farriers Gold. Horses that take CBD daily typically don’t need this much, but if the situation calls for it you can even go higher.
  • You can use 600mg + for keeping horses calm during stressful events or while on stall rest


                         Feel free to call, text or email with questions - 920-334-6773 or renee@hempforhorses.com